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Health Code of Conduct:

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The New South Wales Health Code of Conduct is enforced by the New South Wales Government's Department of Health. The Code of Conduct is a mandatory policy directive which controls the ethical and professional conduct of those working in the healthcare sector in NSW. The general terms of the code include:

  • Promotion of a positive work environment;
  • Demonstration of honesty and integrity;
  • Acting professionally and ethically;
  • Use of official resources;
  • Maintaining security and confidentiality;
  • Maintaining professional relationships.

At Navado, we may be able to assist you in the planning stage of your healthcare business to ensure your compliance with these regulations. Additionally, if you have been notified by a competent authority of alleged noncompliance, or have been harmed through suspected noncompliance, we would encourage you to contact us as soon as possible to discuss your potential next steps.

We invite you to contact our firm on (02) 9233 4048 or send an email to info@navado.com.au and arrange an appointment to see one of our Compliance & Regulatory Law Solicitors.

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