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Personal Injury:

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Personal injury is an area of law wherein claims for compensation are made following a person sustaining injury or loss, usually as the result of another party’s negligent conduct.

Negligence is where a party has failed to satisfy the duty of care owed to another. This may be demonstrated by a failure to take action to mitigate the risk of injury or loss, or by the conduct itself being the cause of the injury or loss.

Personal injury is highly regulated, and the process involved in making a claim will depend on the circumstances in which the injuries or loss arose. The complaints process may be determined by law, or may be dictated by another source, such as a school’s code of conduct.

At Navado, we have experience in representing claimants in personal injury matters. We can provide you with clear, yet comprehensive advice as to your legal rights and entitlements, the process involved in pursuing a claim, and the estimated value of your claim.

If you or your child has sustained injury or loss as a result of a school’s negligence, we recommend you contact our firm and arrange an appointment to see one of our Education & Schools Law Solicitors. Please contact us on (02) 9233 4048 or send an email to info@navado.com.au.

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