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Lapsing Notice:

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If a caveat has been registered over a property, the registered owner of that property, can take steps to remove the caveat. One such step is to serve a lapsing notice on the person who lodged the caveat.

A lapsing notice will result in the caveat being removed from title after 21 days have elapsed. However , the caveator can file an application with the Court seeking an order for an extension of the caveat. The granting of any such extension will depend on the circumstances in which the caveat was lodged and the effect of the extension and/or removal of the caveat on the parties.

If you have been served with a lapsing notice, it is important that you obtain legal advice as to any response that should be made as soon as possible, and definitely prior to the expiration of the 21 day window.

At Navado we can assist in the preparation of a lapsing notice, but also have experience in applying for an extension of a caveat.

If you are engaged in a dispute about a caveat, we recommend that you contact our firm and arrange an appointment to see one of our Mortgage & Caveat Dispute Solicitors. Please contact us by telephone on (02) 9233 4048 or send an email to info@navado.com.au. 

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