Celebrating 23 years in Legal Practice
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Jump to: Peter Zada | Robert Yen | Justice Panapa

Peter Zada

Practice Director


Peter holds an Honours Degree in Law from the University of Sydney and over 25 years of experience as a practicing Solicitor and has personally overseen all legal work carried out by Navado, since its establishment in Sydney CBD in 2001. Peter has particular expertise in complicated litigation matters and representation before Federal and State Courts & Tribunals, as well as the provision of associated legal advice.

In over 23 years of operating Navado, Peter has managed several thousands of legal and litigation matters and developed into a seasoned legal and litigation practitioner, enjoying both the breadth across and the depth in complex litigation and legal advisory matters, across multiple areas of law. For more a more detailed description of Peter's litigation and legal services experience, please refer to the "Our Director" tab on this website. 

For over two decades, until late 2021, Peter worked at the Navado Head Office at 309 Pitt Street, Sydney CBD and managed teams of many Lawyers at Navado, working across multiple areas of law simultaneously. Navado's Head Office relocated to Hornsby in the Upper North Shore in January 2023, but Navado continues to maintain a presence in Sydney CBD at its branch office, now based at Level 13, 111 Elizabeth Street Sydney. In addition to being able to meet with clients in person by appointment at the Hornsby or Sydney Offices of the firm, Peter can also meet clients online, through Navado’s technology platforms and video-conferencing capabilities, allowing Peter to service clients whether they are based in Metropolitan Sydney or in New South Wales, as well as clients based inter-state, across Australia and internationally.  

Peter also holds a Degree in Commerce (Accounting and Economics) from the University of Sydney, amongst many other qualifications. Peter is a member of the Institute of Public Accountants as well as other professional bodies in Governance, Management Consulting and Finance. Peter often draws on his background in financial services, to assist him in tackling complicated litigation and legal matters which have analytical, complex, financial or forensic elements to them.

Peter welcomes the opportunity to be of service to you as a client of the firm.

Robert Yen

Senior Associate


Robert has over 5 years of experience as a practising lawyer, with a keen interest in general legal practice, including legal advisory and litigation work. Robert’s practice involves both legal advice as well as representation in fully litigated matters across NCAT, and the various State and Federal Courts within New South Wales.

Robert is experienced in property law advisory including residential and commercial leasing and contracts, strata law motions and by-laws, as well as contested matters involving strata law, residential tenancies, road traffic infringements and discrimination law.

Robert has over 3 years of experience working in a Community Legal Centre and in this time, Robert worked on a broad range of matters, including but not limited to debt recovery law, insurance law, employment law, domestic violence matters and ADVO matters, consumer law claims and general property disputes.

Robert has a genuine interest in dispute resolution and helping clients to achieve their desired objectives. As an Associate in the Navado team, Robert assists Peter with a wide range of disputes and litigation matters and has worked on bankruptcy and debt disputes, family law matters (including parenting and property settlements), insurance law matters, discrimination and education law matters, contractual disputes, disputes involving misleading and deceptive conduct, negligence, as well as consumer law matters. Robert assists Mr Zada in complex matters involving Counsel and taking necessary steps to brief Counsel and draft Court documentation.

Justice Panapa



Justice supports our Practice Director and Senior Associate and has over one (1) year of experience post admission as a Solicitor, in general legal practice, ranging from and including primarily family law, but also criminal law, migration law as well as commercial and property law.

Justice has worked on a range of legal matters during her legal career, including but not limited to complex parenting and/or property disputes, property legal matters, ADVO matters, partner visa applications, commercial legal work including contract reviews and advice as to lease agreements.

Justice started her legal career well before her admission as a Solicitor, in a small Law Firm as a Law Clerk, where she gained experience in a range of different areas of Law. Justice worked alongside the Principal Solicitor on various matters. Justice has a fond memory of her first legal matter, which involved an ADVO that required Justice to closely review the evidence of the other side and attended Court with her Principal Solicitor. In the first few months working as a Law Clerk, Justice prepared spousal visa applications, Divorce Applications, as well as Initiating Applications for a variety of disputed Family Law matters.

Justice enjoys having a general knowledge in and working across many areas of the Law, but has particular interest in Family Law and Criminal Law. Justice has assisted Senior Lawyers with Court work, including with preparation for Final Hearings in Family Law matters, as well as ADVO mentions. Justice has briefed Counsel on complex family law matters, as well as attended Court for mentions in Family Law matters and the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA) as well as appeared in Court for mentions in Criminal Legal matters.

Justice graduated from Wollongong University in 2021 with a double degree in Law and Arts.

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