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Care & Protection:

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The care and protection of children is a paramount concern of the Department of Communities & Justice (“DCJ”). The role of DCJ is regulated by the Children & Young Persons (Care & Protection) Act (“the Act”).The objectives of the Act are to ensure:

“(a)  that children and young persons receive such care and protection as is necessary for their safety, welfare and well-being, having regard to the capacity of their parents or other persons responsible for them, and

(a1)  recognition that the primary means of providing for the safety, welfare and well-being of children and young persons is by providing them with long-term, safe, nurturing, stable and secure environments through permanent placement in accordance with the permanent placement principles, and

(b)  that all institutions, services and facilities responsible for the care and protection of children and young persons provide an environment for them that is free of violence and exploitation and provide services that foster their health, developmental needs, spirituality, self-respect and dignity, and

(c)  that appropriate assistance is rendered to parents and other persons responsible for children and young persons in the performance of their child-rearing responsibilities in order to promote a safe and nurturing environment.”

The primary function of DCJ in seeking to achieve the objective of the Act, is to assess reports of abuse and neglect against a child or young person and to ascertain whether they are at risk of significant harm. DCJ has the power to take steps to protect the child or young person against such harm. Avenues available to DCJ includes the immediate removal of a child from their home or premises of risk and placement at another home, and making applications for various care orders which will make provision for the care and protection of the child.

If you or your children are the subject of assessment by DCJ, we recommend that you contact our firm by telephone on (02) 9233 4048 or email at info@navado.com.au and arrange an appointment to see one of our Children & Young Persons Law Solicitors. 

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