Our experienced team of Sydney Employment & Safety Lawyers can assist you in the following areas:
- Adverse Action
- Appeals from the IRC
- Awards
- Complaints & Disputes for Government Employees
- Constructive Dismissal
- Contractor / Subcontractor Disputes
- Disciplinary Action for Employees
- Employee Disciplinary Matters
- Employee Incentive Agreements
- Employment Awards
- Employment Contract Advice
- Extension of time for Application under Section 106
- Fair Work Australia
- General Protections Legal Advice
- Harassment & Bullying
- Independent Contractors - Legal Advice and Negotiation
- Independent Contractor Disputes
- Industrial Relations Laws
- Investigation of Workplace Misconduct
- Legal Advice for Employers
- Legal Advice for Employees
- Legal Advice in Workplace Health & Safety Disputes
- Legal Advice in Workplace Health & Safety Investigations
- Legal Advice in Workplace Health & Safety Prosecutions
- Legal Advice in Workcover Investigation
- Legal Advice in Workcover Prosecutions
- Liaising with Workcover Inspectors
- Medical Centre Workplace Health & Safety
- NSW Health
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Police Act 1990 (NSW)
- Promotion Appeals
- Redundancy
- Restraint of Trade clauses
- Serious & Willful Misconduct
- Sexual Harassment
- Sham Independent Contractor Agreements
- Sham Employment Contracts
- Share Option Agreements
- Staff Training in Workplace Safety
- Unfair Contracts (Section 106) Claims
- Unfair Dismissal
- Unfair Dismissal (NSW Government Employees
- Unlawful Termination
- Workplace Bullying
- Workplace Discrimination
- Workplace Harassment
- Workplace Health & Safety
- Workplace Safety Management Systems
If you need legal assisstance in relation to Employment Law and Saftey Law, we invite you to arrange an appointment with us by sending an email to info@navado.com.au or contacting (02) 9233 4048.
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If you require assistance with a Employment matter, you should make an appointment to see one of our Lawyers in one of the following locations:
- Sydney