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OHS Requirements:

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Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Law [now referred to as Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) Law] generally relates to the safety and wellbeing of occupants and workers at a workplace.

Employers as well as owners of premises should have health and safety protocols in place, to minimise or otherwise eliminate the risk of injury or property damage to any employees or third parties attending at the premises. The drafting and enforcement of Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) policies, conducting training sessions about the OH & S policies and risk minimisation, conducting regular risk assessments and maintenance of equipment, and inducting those new to the premises about any risks, are all steps that can be taken by employers to demonstrate compliance with OH & S obligations.

Failure to develop or implement OH & S policies, or the failure to take other steps in recognition of their OH & S obligations, may be a breach of duty of care by an employer or a person with control over the premises. If an injury or loss occurs, there is a risk that liability will fall on, either in whole or part, the employer or controller of the premises.

At Navado, we may be able to determine the specific requirements of the business, the relevant standards and laws that govern OH & S issues and draft an appropriate and compliant OH & S policy and procedure. We can also advise as to the terms of insurance policies and any exclusions or terms that may be relevant if an OH &S event occurs at your workplace. 

We can also advise both an employer/ controller of a premises about whether their failure to take certain steps is in breach of OH & S laws or their duty of care. Similarly, we can act for persons who have been physically injured or had their property damaged as a result of the negligence or noncompliance of another party with their OH & S and duty of care obligations.

Time limits may apply to any claim made against an employer or controller of premises and so we recommend that you immediately contact our firm and arrange an appointment to see one of our Compliance & Regulatory Law Solicitors. Please call us on (02) 9233 4048 or send an email to info@navado.com.au to book a consultation. 

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