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Sporting Associations are usually regulated by the Australian Sports Commission, which is authorised to act by the Federal Australian Government. The regulations generally cover:

  • Managing Risks;
  • Club Management;
  • Starting a Club;
  • People Management;
  • Administration; and
  • Work Health and Safety Reform.

Additional to the terms of the Commission, each Sporting Association may have their own internal Codes of Conduct which may give rise to legal remedies if breached. At Navado we may be able to assist you whether you represent the Sporting Association or believe you have been harmed by the breach of a Sporting Association.

If you are unsure of your obligations or rights in relation to Sporting Associations, or if you have had contact with the regulating body in relation to alleged breaches of the Regulation, we recommend that you call our firm on (02) 9233 4048 or send an email to info@navado.com.au and arrange an appointment to see one of our Compliance & Regulatory Law Solicitors.

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